會計師公會最近提議修訂PC的簽發,年青會計師相信沒有閒情逸緻慢慢研究。就讓我代勞,為你指出幾項對你們最有影響的變化: 第一、在大陸工作的經驗都可以用作申請PC,對你是好事。但另一方面,理論上內地人都可以借此機會申請PC,跟你爭飯碗。不過,少擔心,內地會計師對香港會計師這資格,沒有多大興趣。
謝謝龔生資料﹐自從香港會計師公會與ACCA 離婚之後﹐動作多﹐貢獻零﹐真可悲。
Before I give out comment, I must declare that I am the CPA quoted by Mr. Gong working as full time accountant in commercial sector while having a PC for practice.
As provided in the consultation paper, the move to eliminate part-time practitioners is to promote the international status of HKICPA and maintain the quality of CPA. Sorry, I can't see points here!
I consider the very first step that the Institute has to educate the public not to hire those 'middle-men' who are not qualified accountant but they represent to customers that they are in capacity to do the bookkeeping as well as audit.
No matter whether CPAs are practising on FT or PT, the Institue should give measure to our members so that we can develop the CPA at an environment that facilitate growth of practice at a lower costs and threshold such as reducing PC registration fees and for FT practitioners, the Institute should allow full time practice while having a full time job as well. In fact, some HK lawyers are doing in-house counsel as well as practising as full-time solicitors. It is quite common!
Those CPA firms having listed companies clients, in fact, post serious threat to the reputation of the HKICPA rather than the small one. The Institute should take more measures and efforts in regulating these type of accounting firms. It's simply because any failures catch the public's attention easily.
I hereby ask FT and PT CPA to voice out! We have tried very best to earn a living either in FT or PT. We should express our own view!
Part-time Practitioner and 會計佬:
Thank you all for your precious comments. To gather force and give more pressure to the Institute, we need both your voice and support. Would you be able to leave us your name and contact detail so that we can call upon your support when we have future activities on this issue?
You may send e-mail to YAA e-mail or my personal e-mail at hcfma2007@gmail.com.
Best regards,
Horace Ma
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